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University of Chester Academies Trust

University CE Academy Ellesmere Port

Welcome to University Church of England Academy

Key Stage 3


Please refer to our Learning Programmes for curriculum content for each subject.

We offer a three year Key Stage 3 curriculum which builds on the teaching that took place at Primary School, ensuring a successful transition into Academy life and learning.

What are the main aims of the Key Stage 3 curriculum?

We aim to develop learners who have the knowledge, skills and enquiring minds that will enable them to achieve to their full potential in Key Stage 4. We aim to develop your child’s:

- literacy skills
- personal learning and thinking skills
- ability to make connections between subjects, transfer and apply their understanding to different contexts and to problem solve in a range of challenging situations.

What subjects will my child study?

Your child will spend a significant amount of time studying the core subjects of English, mathematics and science. These are key subjects and are a requirement for most jobs and further study post 16. We therefore feel that it is important for students to have a good understanding of the key concepts which form the basis for GCSE and ultimately A level study.In addition to the core subjects, students study;

- History, Geography, RE and PSHCE
- French or Spanish
- Design and Technology
- PE
- Art
- Performing Arts: Dance, Drama and Music

Some students need extra support with literacy and therefore do not study a foreign language. In language lessons they have literacy support and follow a Lexia programme. This ensures that they rapidly improve upon their reading, spelling and writing skills.


At the Academy, we want to work in partnership with Parents/Carers to help students to work effectively at home. Homework is a key priority as it helps develop the independent study skills needed for academic success. Students will be set homework in all subject areas. In some subjects homework will be discrete tasks which are set weekly. In others students will work on project based tasks. All students are provided with a planner; this is a key tool to help them to organise their learning at home. We ask students to ensure that all homework is recorded in the planner. Parents also find it a useful way to communicate with staff. We ask all parents to sign the planner each week. Please work with us to ensure your child completes their homework on time and to the best of his/her ability.