Believe  Belong  Become

University of Chester Academies Trust

University CE Academy Ellesmere Port

Welcome to University Church of England Academy

Our Faith


At UCEA, our vision and values of Believe - Belong - Become are underpinned with the same foundations as the Christian faith.  As a faith school we are committed to, and invested in, working alongside our students to help and encourage them to grow, develop and become the best versions of themselves, not just academically but also spiritually, morally and emotionally.

Our Academy Chaplain, who is also a counsellor, works with students to support them with specific needs as well as with our team of Academy Pastors who work with small groups developing self-esteem, self confidence and the belief that we are all children of God. We arealso developing lunch clubs with the Academy Pastors that will provide all students with a safe space to ask questions, explore the Christian faith and what it means to be a Christian, and what the Trinity has to offer.

Our students learn about the Christian faith as well as other world faiths and also develop their knowledge outside the classroom, for example, visiting Chester Cathedral and taking part in faith retreats. The Academy students also demonstrate their fundamental British Values and care for their neighbours collaborating onprojects such as a community garden, art work and our annual art installation in respect of Remembrance Day which all seek to engage with and build positive relationships with our town. 

Our Chapel is a dedicated space for quiet reflection and prayer within the school; a place for those who wantto give thanks or those facing difficulties, whether it be students or staff.

The Academy community is keen to put our faith into action and have collected food for the Foodbank at Harvest, sleeping bags and clothes for the homeless at Christmas and socks for the homeless during Lent, aswell as fund raising for those in need during Christian Aid week. 

Please speak to any member of our Academy staff if you would like to know more about the Faith Life of ourcommunity as we would be happy to discuss our belief and our mission with you.

God Bless.

Academy Prayer

Dear Lord,

I ask you to help me to Believe in myself and those around me. 
I ask that as a community we can find a place to Belong by supporting one another. 
I ask that with your help I will aspire and Become the very best I can be.


Faith Links

As an Academy we are also building and strengthening links with the local faith community of Ellesmere Port, celebrating key Christian festivals such as Christmas and Easter with whole school services in St Thomas’ Church as well as celebrating Harvest within the Academy building.

St. Thomas and All Saints Church

The Church of England - Diocese of Chester

Faith Council

Our Faith Council has representatives from each year group who work to inform and develop our collective acts of worship which include a weekly assembly for each year group linked to a specific theme for the week. This theme is also used to create a prayer for the week and a thought for the week with a Bible verse orparable, video clips and discussion questions used in Academic review alongside our Academy Prayer.

Year 8: Leia East & Damien Creswell
Year 9: Matthew Clegg & Rhys Tunstall
Year 10: Grace Deeny & Ben Lee
Year 11: Olaf Tomaszko & Nicola Sinclair
Year 13: Daniel Petu, Louise Weston, Joe Smith, Diana Sander & Chloe Browse